Research Log

Research Log

Research Log

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): Differences in Functional Outcomes
Between Spinal Fusion (SF) vs. Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT)
Universitaire Ziekenhuizen (University Hospitals) of KU Leuven, or UZ Leuven Gasthuisberg

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): Differences in Functional Outcomes
Between Spinal Fusion (SF) vs. Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT)
Universitaire Ziekenhuizen (University Hospitals) of KU Leuven, or UZ Leuven Gasthuisberg

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): Differences in Functional Outcomes Between Spinal Fusion (SF) vs. Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT)

Week 2


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  • Shadowed my first hybrid SF/VBT

    surgery. "'Bezoeker kern D", or Visitor Core D.



  • Mural on my bike route to the hospital.

    Painted by Wijnpers School Students, 2012.



  • Observed the ortho residents' TLIF/SF

    cadaver lab (+ my UZ Leuven badge)



Week 1

  • Wrote first draft for lab's AIS article for publication (with help) & sent to PI

  • Learned how AI can supplement literature review, writing, & data analysis

  • Met IORT's orthopaedic surgeons & shadowed a hybrid SF/VBT surgery

  • Observed a surgery lecture on TLIFs (transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions) and its associated cadaver lab

My background is in animal-based medical research. While still quite professional, the lab environments I have been in were very educational and kind. As a result, I thought clinical research (like this internship) would be equally as formal, but probably even more so. IORT is associated with both KU and UZ Leuven, but located within the UZ Leuven's hospital. Clinicians and surgeons are very hands-on with projects, so I fully expected the need to prove my skills, ability, and reason to be there.

I'm glad say that I was completely wrong. Yes, the internship is very professional, but the dynamic is incredibly friendly and casual. This lab has no strict schedule, nor a required set of work hours per week. As long as I progress with my project, I can go to/leave the office whenever I wish. I was given many opportunities to shadow surgeries, sit in on meetings, and learn about everyone's projects. Everyone is incredibly welcoming, and I'm excited to intern here for the next few months.

Week 1

  • Wrote first draft for lab's AIS article for publication (with help)

  • Learned how AI can supplement literature review & data analysis

  • Met IORT's orthopaedic surgeons & shadowed a hybrid SF/VBT surgery

  • Observed a surgery lecture on TLIFs (transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions) and its associated cadaver lab

My background is in animal-based medical research. While still quite professional, the lab environments I have been in were very educational and kind. As a result, I thought clinical research (like this internship) would be equally as formal, but probably even more so. IORT is associated with both KU and UZ Leuven, but located within the UZ Leuven's hospital. Clinicians and surgeons are very hands-on with projects, so I fully expected the need to prove my skills, ability, and reason to be there.

I'm glad say that I was completely wrong. Yes, the internship is very professional, but the dynamic is incredibly friendly and casual. This lab has no strict schedule, nor a required set of work hours per week. As long as I progress with my project, I can go to/leave the office whenever I wish. I was given many opportunities to shadow surgeries, sit in on meetings, and learn about everyone's projects. Everyone is incredibly welcoming, and I'm excited to intern here for the next few months.

Learn More

Week 2

Week 2

  • Had Monday off for Pentecost Monday (national Belgian holiday)

  • Went on a walking lunch with the IORT team and explored UZ Leuven's surrounding forest areas

  • Sat in on & participated in many meetings about last week's draft

  • Helped rework methodology & assess functionality of radiograph procedure

This week was a bit slower than last week, but I think that it was completely needed. There wasn't as many events or operations, since we were mostly reworking the project's methodology. IORT had to contact programmers about the graphing algorithm, since we kept receiving unexpected and invalid motion capture results.

Instead of getting frustrated, everyone took the time to step back, analyze where things could've gone wrong, and took things slow. They also ensured to take breaks, go walking together outside, and spend lunch together (talking about mostly non-project topics). While it was tedious for the team, this situation served as a great learning opportunity for how to deal with frustrating research situations.

  • Had Monday off for Pentecost Monday (national Belgian holiday)

  • Went on a walking lunch with the IORT team and explored UZ Leuven's surrounding forest areas

  • Sat in on & participated in many meetings about last week's draft

  • Helped rework methodology & assess functionality of radiograph procedure

This week was a bit slower than last week, but I think that it was completely needed. There wasn't as many events or operations, since we were mostly reworking the project's methodology. IORT had to contact programmers about the graphing algorithm, since we kept receiving unexpected and invalid motion capture results. While it was tedious for the team, this situation served as a great learning opportunity for how to deal with frustrating research situations.

  • IORT Walkers - Walked around the hospital

    and ate lunch with the IORT team.



  • Sign near the orthopaedic secretariat/

    admin office.



  • Picture of UZ Leuven's EOS machine. Was

    unable to take picture, so this is from Google.



  • Shadowed my first thoracic VBT surgery,

    included portal incisions for laparoscopic work.



  • Me still shadowing, but 20mins later with

    lead x-ray protection.



  • Belgian tradition: your birthday,

    your turn to bring celebratory cake.



  • Leuven Station, main stop for bus and

    train transport. Also location of Pellenberg bus.



  • Arrived at Pellenberg Kliniek & explored

    the Therapie Toren (Therapy Tower).



  • Panoramic view of the Therapie Toren's

    rooftop sports centre for patients.



  • View of the countryside from my

    bus ride back to Leuven.



Week 3

Week 3

Week 3

  • Shadowed a double VBT surgery, both thoracic & lumbar

  • Was introduced to R & learned its use in statistical analysis

  • Wrote code pipelines in R for AIS pre/post-op ROM analysis

  • Listened to orthopaedic presentations on: chronic pain screening, muscular synergy, and 3D spinal modelling via AI & simulations.

  • Observed marker-based motion capture for Adult Spinal Deformity (ASD) patients at UZ Leuven's Pellenberg Kliniek.

  • Learned how to identify and label spinal structures on radiographic imaging software, for eventual import into Vicon Nexus.

  • Shadowed a double VBT surgery, both thoracic & lumbar

  • Was introduced to R & learned its use in statistical analysis

  • Wrote code pipelines in R for AIS pre/post-op ROM analysis

  • Listened to orthopaedic presentations on: chronic pain screening, muscular synergy, and 3D spinal modelling via AI & simulations.

  • Observed marker-based motion capture for Adult Spinal Deformity (ASD) patients at UZ Leuven's Pellenberg Kliniek.

  • Learned how to identify and label spinal structures on radiographic imaging software, for eventual import into Vicon Nexus.

Week 4

  • Learned how to label mocap (motion capture) markers on IORT's custom software, DOPLR.

  • Practiced identification of markers, skeletal landmarks, and potential deformities on control, AIS, and ASD patient biplanar x-rays.

  • Attended Ph.D. student's Principles of Design workshop. Learned how to use Canva for creating professional research presentations & readable graphs/figures for research articles.

  • Did supplemental work while troubleshooting AIS project issues:

    • Helped another Ph.D. student with data processing for her AI-based ASD project. Facilitated MRI segmentation and tracked spinal vertebrae throughout scans.

    • Researched how to maximize mocap marker visibility on x-rays, via various filter options and convolutional neural networks (CNNs)

    • Coded statistics pipelines in R for future analysis of AIS questionnaire results and pre/post-operative angle measurements (testing of normality and significance)

  • Learned how to label mocap (motion capture) markers on IORT's custom software, DOPLR.

  • Practiced identification of markers, skeletal landmarks, and potential deformities on control, AIS, and ASD patient biplanar x-rays.

  • Attended Ph.D. student's Principles of Design workshop. Learned how to use Canva for creating professional research presentations & readable graphs/figures for research articles.

  • Did supplemental work while troubleshooting AIS project issues:

    • Helped another Ph.D. student with data processing for her AI-based ASD project. Facilitated MRI segmentation and tracked spinal vertebrae throughout scans.

    • Researched how to maximize mocap marker visibility on x-rays, via various filter options and convolutional neural networks (CNNs)

    • Coded statistics pipelines in R for future analysis of AIS questionnaire results and pre/post-operative angle measurements (testing of normality and significance)


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Week 5

  • Continued identifying different mocap markers in ASD and AIS patient biplanar radiographs (both frontal and sagittal views)

  • Assisted in proctoring an Engineering Anatomy exam for KU Leuven Bachelor's students. Done alongside IORT director and Ph.D. students!

  • Worked remotely from the KU Leuven library, while Ph.D. student was at an all-day conference.

  • Attended Resident's Day- an all-day celebration for the ortho department's incoming & graduating resident physicians. Included a morning presentation conference & evening dinner party.

Insert reflection here

  • Continued identifying different mocap markers in ASD and AIS patient biplanar radiographs (both frontal and sagittal views)

  • Assisted in proctoring an Engineering Anatomy exam for KU Leuven Bachelor's students. Done alongside IORT director and Ph.D. students!

  • Worked remotely from the KU Leuven library, while Ph.D. student was at an all-day conference.

  • Attended Resident's Day- an all-day celebration for the ortho department's incoming & graduating resident physicians. Included a morning presentation conference & evening dinner party.

Week 6

  • Switched between working in-office and remotely, continuing mocap marker identificaition in ASD and AIS patients

  • Volunteered to be a mocap participant at the UZ Leuven Pellenberg Kliniek, so my Ph.D. student could practice using the Vicon Nexus collection software & sticking mocap markers, accurately.

  • Started new assignment - investigating ways to measure trunk force generation in ASD patients via hand-held dynamometry. Will write a report, detailing past research, potential protocol, and validation.

  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Team dinner at a local frituur near

    the Grote Markt & Oude Markt.



Week 7

  • Listened to Ph.D. students practice their presentations and receive feedback for next week's conferences.

  • Continued new ASD assignment by outlining main points and reviewing relevant literature.

  • Assisted with 4 AIS motion capture trials at Pellenberg Kliniek

  • Helped and observed control motion capture trial & radiograph imaging via EOS

  • Started working on my End-of-Internship PowerPoint: a presentation requested by the IORT team where I'll describe everything I've learned & name differences between Belgium and Florida.

Week 8

  • Worked half from home & half in office; Ph.D. students & director were all out for a conference in Scotland

  • Continued progress on End-of-Internship presentation

  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.




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Week 9

  • Presented End-of-Internship to the entire IORT team, including director, Ph.D. students, and clinical trial coordinators.

    • Shortened version is shown here.

  • Gave overview of reasonings for my interest in research, what I have learned during my internship, and comparisons between Belgium and Florida.

  • Continued ASD Trunk Force Generation draft.

  • Finished labeling mocap trials (markers and skeletal structures) in Vicon Nexus and DOPLr. 

  • Assisted with motion capture for an AIS patient at off-site clinic. 

Week 10

  • Assisted with very last motion capture appointment for AIS patients at off-site clinic

  • Finalized and finished my Adult Spinal Deformity draft, which included a full list of references/AMA citations, a proposed protocol for hand-held dynamometry for elderly patients, and a strong rationale. 

  • Said final goodbyes to the IORT lab!

  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.



  • Sunday brunch with friends! A chicken

    bagel sandwich from Nosh.




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  • Shadowed my first hybrid SF/VBT

    surgery. "'Bezoeker kern D", or Visitor Core D.



  • Mural on my bike route to the hospital.

    Painted by Wijnpers School Students, 2012.



  • Observed the ortho residents' TLIF/SF

    cadaver lab (+ my UZ Leuven badge)




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Week 1

  • Wrote first draft for lab's AIS article for publication (with help) & sent to PI

  • Learned how AI can supplement literature review, writing, & data analysis

  • Met IORT's orthopaedic surgeons & shadowed a hybrid SF/VBT surgery

  • Observed a surgery lecture on TLIFs (transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions) and its associated cadaver lab

My background is in animal-based medical research. While still quite professional, the lab environments I have been in were very educational and kind. As a result, I thought clinical research (like this internship) would be equally as formal, but probably even more so. IORTis associated with both KU and UZ Leuven, but located within the UZ Leuven's hospital. Clinicians and surgeons are very hands-on with projects, so I f ully expected the need to prove my skills, ability, and reason to be there.

I'm glad say that I was completely wrong. Yes, the internship is very professional, but the dynamic is incredibly friendly and casual. This lab has no strict schedule, nor a required set of work hours per week. As long as I progress with my project, I can go to/leave the office whenever I wish. I was given many opportunities to shadow surgeries, sit in on meetings, and learn about everyone's projects. Everyone is incredibly welcoming, and I'm excited to intern here for the next few months.

  • IORT Walkers - Walked around the hospital

    and ate lunch with the IORT team.



  • IORT Walkers - Walked around the hospital

    and ate lunch with the IORT team.



  • Sign near the orthopaedic secretariat/

    admin office.



  • Picture of UZ Leuven's EOS machine. Was

    unable to take picture, so this is from Google.



Week 2

  • Had Monday off for Pentecost Monday (national Belgian holiday)

  • Went on a walking lunch with the IORT team and explored UZ Leuven's surrounding forest areas

  • Sat in on & participated in many meetings about last week's draft

  • Helped rework methodology & assess functionality of radiograph procedure

This week was a bit slower than last week, but I think that it was completely needed. There wasn't as many events or operations, since we were mostly reworking the project's methodology. IORT had to contacting programmers about the graphing algorithm, since we kept receiving unexpected and invalid motion capture results.

Instead of getting frustrated, everyone took the time to step back, analyze where things could've gone wrong, and took things slow. They also ensured to take breaks, go walking together outside, and spend lunch together (talking about mostly non-project topics). While it was tedious for the team, this situation served as a great learning opportunity from me.